by Bret Raymond | Aug 12, 2020 | Uncategorized
Oh Dread! Another Team Building Activity! What comes to mind when you get a “Mandatory Team Building Activity” email? Excitement? Nervousness? Dread? Gratitude? Memories from the last team building activity? All of these are common feelings shared by people across ...
by thepackshack | Dec 11, 2019 | Articles
A question I’m asked all the time is: “How can I involve my on-site employees in the volunteer experience?” Maybe these employees work at a call center. Maybe they’re warehouse employees. Maybe they’re front-line employees in the field who just can’t leave their...
by thepackshack | Dec 11, 2019 | Articles
Sometimes, employees have the best of intentions but just don’t have the time or flexibility to volunteer. How can you engage all of your employees in volunteering so that everyone feels that they’re part of your corporate culture of giving back? Employee volunteer...
by thepackshack | Aug 26, 2019 | Articles
THE PACK SHACK REACHES 30 MILLION MEALS CAVE SPRINGS, Arkansas – July 8, 2019 – The Pack Shack, an Arkansas-based non-profit known for addressing food security through their signature crazy fun Feed the Funnel parties, has surpassed 30 million meals packed for people...
by thepackshack | Aug 26, 2019 | Articles
LIVE FULLY HUMAN Fred Rogers, “Mr. Rogers” to most of us, captured the hearts, minds, and imaginations of individuals, families, and communities throughout his life. He did so through simple messages related in ways that children and adults alike could understand and...